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DoubleMagnit V4 is the latest version of a unique repeating numbers analyzer that tracks repeating numbers throughout the analysis and produces the remaining numbers to be repeated 3 times. The program is designed for RNG roulette games for the reason that it takes about 60-80 spins to get the analysis. The manuals describe settings to speed up the analysis process as well as increase safety when the balance is low. Unlike SpinMagnit, this program does not have a safe mode, but even without it, the probability of falling numbers is high.

In addition to DoubleMagnit V4, previous versions of the program – V1, V2 and V3 – are included in the package. The DoubleMagnit V2 version can be used for Live Roulette, as it requires far fewer spins to complete the analysis. You get 4 programs at once in a set. A detailed description of the differences between each version:

DoubleMagnit V1 – Beta version of DoubleMagnit with a fast number selection algorithm. Analyzes the first entered numbers (number of MAX SPINS) for repetitions and outputs the remainder (specified in PLAY ON) of the numbers that did not repeat a second time. This algorithm is effective for a short game time and is not suitable for a long session due to the simplicity of the algorithm.

DoubleMagnit V2 – Release version of DoubleMagnit with anti-adaptive number selection algorithm. Saves the first entered numbers (number of ALL SPINS), from which a group of numbers is formed (number of CHECK IN), which will be checked for repetition and excluded from the group until the number of numbers in the group is equal to the specified NUM.

DoubleMagnit V3 – Modernized version of DoubleMagnit without anti-adaptive algorithm, but with enhanced number selection. It stores the first numbers into a group (ALL SPINS quantity), then analyzes the repetition of numbers from the first group and collects the repeated numbers into group 2 (CHECK IN quantity). Then it checks for repeating numbers from group 2 and the numbers that have repeated three times are removed from group 2 until the number of numbers is equal to the number of NUM. Please note that in this version all numbers that are repeated 3 times are excluded at once. DoubleMagnit v4 does not take into account repetitions while forming groups of numbers and therefore its algorithm is more complex and requires more numbers in contrast to v3, but this version also shows positive results.

Additional information

Safe Mode


Play on Numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Unlimited


Repeat Numbers


Auto Calculated



Support OS

Windows 7-11 (x64)

Roulette Type

Random Number Generator

Video Demonstration


DoubleMagnit standard settings
Features play with DoubleMagnit at standard settings for 5 numbers.
Improved DoubleMagnit customization
DoubleMagnit Configuration Guide, as well as a list of recommended settings to use.
DoubleMagnit safety sensors
Special information sensors displaying the current level of betting security.


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